VIDEO CATEGORIES VIDEO CATEGORIES The Quantum Bicycle Society is pleased to share the following selection of videos, by category. 1. FEATURED VIDEO We think you will find this selection of Featured Videos interesting. 13 videos 2. QUANTUM & SUBATOMIC Videos of presentations and QA&D sessions on the subjects of quantum mechanics and subatomic physics. 55 videos 3. GRAVITY & COSMOLOGY Videos of presentations and QA&D sessions on the subjects of gravity and cosmology. 21 videos 4. MISCONCEPTIONS SERIES These short videos each address one misconception in physics. 3 videos 5. PHYSICS & ENGINEERING Videos of presentations and QA&D sessions on the subjects of general physics and engineering. 7 videos 6. QUICYCLISTS TALK These are videos of related content by Quicycle members. 10 videos 7. FREE DISCUSSION These are videos of conversations between Quicycle members. 12 videos 8. PEER REVIEW Peers discuss and critique work openly in a public demonstration of the scientific method. 3 videos