Archives: Videos
Video Description
QC0024: Prof. Louis H. Kauffman: Non-Commutative Worlds & Discrete Physics, Part 1
Prof. Louis H. Kauffman’s presentation on Non-Commutative Worlds & Discrete Physics. A good part of what is thought to be physical input arises naturally from the mathematics used to describe it.
Recorded: 2020 04 26 at 09 14 GMT 7
QV0022: Dr. John G. Williamson: Pivot & Dark Matter
QC0021: Dr. Vivian Robinson: Photons, Particles, Matter, and Relativity
Dr. Vivian Robinson will next present a talk on the general properties all matter particles will have if they consist of photons of the appropriate energy making two revolutions per wavelength. Among the derived properties covered are mass, dimensions, spin, charge, chirality, de Broglie wave and Einstein’s special relativity corrections. A new special relativity correction is derived.
He will be available to answer questions after the presentation.
Watch your email for the announced date and time.
Watch your email for the announced date and time.
Buy the book:
HOW TO BUILD A UNIVERSE: Beyond The Standard Models by Vivian NE Robinson
HOW TO BUILD A UNIVERSE: Beyond The Standard Models by Vivian NE Robinson
QC0019: Dr. Vivian Robinson: Autobiographical Introduction
Dr Vivian Robinson introduces himself.
Buy his book:
HOW TO BUILD A UNIVERSE: Beyond The Standard Models by Vivian NE Robinson