The Quantum Bicycle Society is proud to offer the following selection of books.
Below you will find: 1. Quicycle Books: Works of non-fiction & science fiction by Quicycle members.
2. Books by Quicyclists: Selected works published elsewhere by Quicycle members.
CLICK HERE for a full list of Quicycle Journal articles and Books.
1. Quicycle Books
Works of non-fiction & science fiction by Quicycle members.
Publication Number: QB0004
ISBN-13: 978-0645412550

This groundbreaking book describes the makeup of our universe — from the fabric of spacetime itself, to the smallest subatomic particles, to the largest structures in the cosmos.
It employs 3 spacial dimensions, 1 time dimension, specific physical mechanisms, and mathematics that is accessible to the average science graduate.
In addition to illuminating the substructure of the elementary subatomic particles, the model also seeks to explain several phenomena that have troubled physicists and cosmologists for many years.
These include:
- The nature of protons-neutrons bonding
- The structure and properties of any nucleus
- The physics of stability vs radioactivity
- The nature and mechanism of gravity
- Redshift
- Galactic rotation
- And much more.

REVIEWS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“Simply brilliant.”
— Amazon reviewer
“Must-read book for a physicist.”
— Amazon reviewer
“This is a self-consistent picture of the universe, from the sub-atomic to the galactic. If you want to get past where science has appeared to be stuck for the past few decades, mired in mathematical complexities that do not allow the average scientist to approach, let alone understand, then this is the book for you. Highly recommended!”
— Amazon reviewer
CLICK HERE to see more reviews
Related content: Vivian Robinson: “Physical Explanation Of Einstein’s Gravity” (J. Phys. Commun. 2021)
Vivian Robinson: “Alternative Path to Solve Einstein’s Field Equations” (Quicycle, 2023)
QC021: Dr. Vivian Robinson: Photons, Particles, Matter, and Relativity
QC043: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Structure Of Electrons Protons Neutrons & Neutrinos
QC045: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Elementary Particles
QC060: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Robinson Model Of Nuclear Binding
QC078: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Structure And Properties Of Any Atomic Nucleus
QC0121: Dr. Vivian Robinson: Visualizing Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
QC0123: Dr. Vivian Robinson: Visualizing Quantum Gravity
Publication Number: QB0006
ISBN-13: 979-8853622838

The Animal In The Mirror is about why we think and behave the way we do. It is about what our emotions really represent, and how and why they influence our actions so much more than logic and reason.
It can be extremely empowering to know just how and where our thinking, as individuals and as a species, is guided by our survival instinct rather than our intelligence. Not only real free will but also the path to a better future leads through the gateway of this realization. The extent to which we remain oblivious to it is the extent to which our lives and world will continue to manifest dysfunction, and our progress will remain unnecessarily slow and painful.
This book is also about how we might strive to transcending our biological programming, and to accelerate our conscious evolution, as individuals and as a global community.
Topics covered (and explained) include:
- Religion: why we choose it, what it does for us, what the difference is between religious and spiritual, and why that matters.
- Science: what is and what is not scientific, and how we prevent science from being corrupted by our politics and other biases.
- Men & Women: why we choose the partner we choose, and why we act and react the way we do in our relationships.
- Politics: why we choose the side we choose, and why we think the other side is ignorant, wrong, or even evil (when they are not).
- Depression, Substance (Ab)use & Happiness: what depression really is, why we use and abuse substances, and how to see a way beyond it.
- Sexuality: the instinctive nature of our sexual thinking and how it manifests dysfunction in our lives and relationships.
- Parenting & Children: how to parent in a healthy way and how our instinct undermines that tendency.
- Education & Teaching: how to teach towards wisdom and an empowered future, and how our instinct limits our thinking.
- Animals: the degree to which animals are capable of feeling, and what that means.
- Bigotry & Racism: where they come from, instinctively, why they occur in even good people, and how to get beyond them.
- And much more.
REVIEWS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“Revolutionary in its clarity, calmness, simplicity, and undeniable. Arnie Benn’s book, and his TED Talk, cut to the core of how we act and why we act. I’ve watched his TED Talk dozens of times. And I agree with everything he says there and in this book. No one on earth understands the human animal better.”
— New York Times bestselling author Michael Levin
CLICK HERE for more info
Click on the LINKS below for a VIDEO PRESENTATION related to this content: QV0118: Strange Behaviors Of Humans & Magnets: Arnie Benn on the Demystify Science Podcast
THE INTREPID: Dawn Of The Interstellar Age
Publication Number: QB0005
ISBN-13: 979-8-8465-6662-0 (paperback)
ISBN-13: 979-8-3894-5535-1 (hardcover)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 𝐒𝐜𝐢-𝐟𝐢 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞!
Winner, Gold Medal, FAPA President’s Book Award (2023)
Winner, Maincrest Media Award (2023)
Winner, Literary Titan Book Award (2023)
When crews on the first two interstellar missions confront the same confounding mystery, their dispute over what it means could alter the trajectory of the entire human race.
Thirty years after the last war, in a world of plentiful energy, Lunar and Mars bases, and a global federation of nations, an international crew of exceptional men and women sets out to explore the closest potentially habitable planet in the Alpha Centauri star system.
The stakes become elevated by the unexplained presence of another ship from the solar system, a ship with weapons. When the two crews interpret a perplexing find on the surface quite differently, it brings them into a conflict that threatens to lead to a nuclear showdown — with consequences more far-reaching than they could have imagined.

They may be over 4 light years from Earth, but the implications could not hit closer to home. And they are too far away for two-way communication.
More than just another space saga, this wild, hard sci-fi ensemble drama (with just a touch of romance) digs deep into human nature and the animal instinct that keeps us from elevating our existence. The only question left — is humanity doomed to repeat its mistakes, or are we ready to take the next crucial step?
FEATURING an extensive Glossary Of Scientific Terms.

REVIEWS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“It’s hard to believe that this is Arnie Benn’s first novel… The writing is vivid, and the plot drives forward with a propulsive, unstoppable momentum. Epic, page-turning stuff.“
— Jesse Kellerman, New York Times bestselling author and award-winning playwright
“I genuinely think this is a tour de force. Absolutely fantastic!”
— Michael Mercury, Director of Engineering, The Exploration Institute
“This book under-promises and over-delivers.”
— Stephen J. Kaufman, Esq.
“Poetic, visionary, captivating… and inspiring. It has all those elements that make a novel hard to put down: conflict, high stakes, a compelling narrative… and great writing.”
— Dr. Timothy Twombly
CLICK HERE to see more Amazon reviews
CLICK HERE to see the Reedsy Discovery editorial review
CLICK HERE to see the Literary Titan editorial review
Click on the LINKS below for Quicycle VIDEO PRESENTATIONS related to this content: QV0007: Dr. John G. Williamson: Unifying the Electron’s Particle & Wave Natures
QC0039: Arnie Benn: The Fractal Physics of Nature
QC0060: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Robinson Model Of Nuclear Binding
QC0106: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Physics of Einstein’s Gravity
2. Books by Quicyclists
Selected works published elsewhere by Quicycle members.
FROM ATOMS TO HIGGS BOSON: Voyages In Quasi-Spacetime
Chary Rangacharyulu & Christopher Polachic
Publication Number: QB0003
ISBN-13: 978-9814800242

The announcement in 2012 that the Higgs boson had been discovered was understood as a watershed moment for the Standard Model of particle physics. It was deemed a triumphant event in the reductionist quest that had begun centuries ago with the ancient Greek natural philosophers. Physicists basked in the satisfaction of explaining to the world that the ultimate cause of mass in our universe had been unveiled at CERN, Switzerland. The Standard Model of particle physics is now understood by many to have arrived at a satisfactory description of entities and interactions on the smallest physical scales: elementary quarks, leptons, and intermediary gauge bosons residing within a four-dimensional spacetime continuum.
Throughout the historical journey of reductionist physics, mathematics has played an increasingly dominant role. Indeed, abstract mathematics has now become indispensable in guiding our discovery of the physical world. Elementary particles are endowed with abstract existence in accordance with their appearance in complicated equations. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, originally intended to estimate practical measurement uncertainties, now bequeaths a numerical fuzziness to the structure of reality. Particle physicists have borrowed effective mathematical tools originally invented and employed by condensed matter physicists to approximate the complex structures and dynamics of solids and liquids and bestowed on them the authority to define basic physical reality. The discovery of the Higgs boson was a result of these kinds of strategies, used by particle physicists to take the latest steps on the reductionist quest.
This book offers a constructive critique of the modern orthodoxy into which all aspiring young physicists are now trained, that the ever-evolving mathematical models of modern physics are leading us toward a truer understanding of the real physical world. The authors propose that among modern physicists, physical realism has been largely replaced―in actual practice―by quasirealism, a problematic philosophical approach that interprets the statements of abstract, effective mathematical models as providing direct information about reality. History may judge that physics in the twentieth century, despite its seeming successes, involved a profound deviation from the historical reductionist voyage to fathom the mysteries of the physical universe.
REVIEWS: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“It is an excellent timely summary book alerting us on the ‘State of Physics Research’, which has been diverted away from seeking actual reality in favor of beautiful mathematical reality!”
— Amazon reviewer
CLICK HERE to see more reviews
Click on the LINKS below for VIDEO PRESENTATIONS related to this content: QC0089: Dr. Chary Rangacharyulu: From Atoms To Higgs Boson
Publication Number: QB0002
ISBN-13: 978-9814383011

This invaluable book is an introduction to knot and link invariants as generalized amplitudes for a quasi-physical process.
The demands of knot theory, coupled with a quantum-statistical framework, create a context that naturally and powerfully includes an extraordinary range of interrelated topics in topology and mathematical physics. The author takes a primarily combinatorial stance toward knot theory and its relations with these subjects. This stance has the advantage of providing direct access to the algebra and to the combinatorial topology, as well as physical ideas.
The book is divided into two parts: Part I is a systematic course on knots and physics starting from the ground up, and Part II is a set of lectures on various topics related to Part I. Part II includes topics such as frictional properties of knots, relations with combinatorics, and knots in dynamical systems.In this new edition, articles on other topics, including Khovanov Homology, have been included.
Click on the LINKS below for VIDEO PRESENTATIONS related to this content: QC0024: Prof. Lou Kauffman: Non-Commutative Worlds & Discrete Physics, Part 1
QC0029: Prof. Lou Kauffman: Non-Commutative Worlds & Discrete Physics, Part 2
QC0074: Prof. Lou Kauffman: Majorana, Fermions, Braiding & The Dirac Equation
QC0085: Prof. Louis H. Kauffman: Knots And Quantum Field Theory
ZERO TO INFINITY: The Foundations of Physics
Publication Number: QB0001

Unique in its field, this book uses a methodology that is entirely new, creating the simplest and most abstract foundations for physics to date.
The author proposes a fundamental description of process in a universal computational rewrite system, leading to an irreducible form of relativistic quantum mechanics from a single operator. This is not only simpler, and more fundamental, but also seemingly more powerful than any other quantum mechanics formalism available.
The methodology finds immediate applications in particle physics, theoretical physics and theoretical computing. In addition, taking the rewrite structure more generally as a description of process, the book shows how it can be applied to large-scale structures beyond the realm of fundamental physics.
Click on the LINKS below for VIDEO PRESENTATIONS related to this content: QC0061: Prof. Peter Rowlands: Dirac, Decoded
QC0073: Prof. Peter Rowlands: Does Dark Energy Have A Critical Value?