QV0116: Vivian Robinson: Universal Particle Structure, QA&D

Q&A following Vivian Robinson’s presentation on Universal Particle Structure.

In the presentation, Dr. Vivian Robinson summarized his approach to subatomic particles, based upon the rotating photon model of matter. It unifies electromagnetism with the fundamental structure of matter particles, Einstein’s special relativity corrections, the de Broglie wavelength, the origin of charge, elementary particles, the strong nuclear force and nuclear structure, atoms, and the origin of some of their chemical properties. It uses only three space dimensions and one time dimension.

This talk was given to the “Models Of Particles” Group, moderated by Jarek Duda, on 03/11/23

QV0115: Vivian Robinson: Universal Particle Structure

In this presentation, Dr. Vivian Robinson summarizes his approach to subatomic particles, based upon the rotating photon model of matter. It unifies electromagnetism with the fundamental structure of matter particles, Einstein’s special relativity corrections, the de Broglie wavelength, the origin of charge, elementary particles, the strong nuclear force and nuclear structure, atoms, and the origin of some of their chemical properties. It uses only three space dimensions and one time dimension.

Presented to the Models of Particles group on 03/11/23.

QV0114: John Williamson & Arnie Benn Talk Quicycle Science on the DemystifySci Podcast

What The Universe Is Made Of — John G. Williamson and Arnie Benn, Quantum Bicycle Society

Dr. John G. Williamson and Arnie Benn are core members of the Quantum Bicycle Society, a collaborative group scientists who aims to build better models for everything from quantum mechanics to the cosmos. Williamson began the project with his colleague Dr. Martin van der Mark after a disillusioning stint at CERN, where he was confronted by the massive discrepancies between experimental results and the predictions of quantum chromodynamics. We talk the nature of the electron, the ur-stuff from which everything is made, misconceptions about the proton, alternative explanations for cosmic microwave background radiation, and more.

Support the scientific revolution by joining the DemystifySci Patreon: https://bit.ly/3lcAasB

QV0113: John Williamson and Arnie Benn: The Physics Of Sub-Quantum Spin, QA&D

This is the Q&A and discussion following the talk by Arnie Benn, featuring John G. Williamson, Vivian Robinson, Garnet Ord, Lyndon Ashmore, Innes Anderson-Morrison, Jarek Duda, and Chantal Roth.
Topics discussed include quantu mechanics, relativity, electron superposition, and the spin tri-vector potential.

The Physics of Sub-Quantum Spin: https://quicycle.com/video/qv0112-arnie-benn-the-physics-of-sub-quantum-spin/

Building upon the foundation of John Williamson’s Sub-Quantum Mechanics and Absolute Relativity Theory, the talk delved into the concept of quantum spin, identifying the 3 specific components of the electron’s internal spin. These components were then leveraged in order to clarify the topological difference between ‘spin-up’ and ‘spin-down’ electrons, the physical spin-mediated mechanisms underlying electron bonding, the Pauli Exclusion ‘Principle’ and Hund’s 2nd Rule, as well as deriving the magnetic field from the spin tri-vector potential. The physical, spin-mediated mechanism involved in matter-antimatter annihilation was also explored.

The talk was given to The Quantum Bicycle Society on 2/4/23

QV0112: Arnie Benn: The Physics of Sub-Quantum Spin

This presentation offers answers to the following questions about electrons, charge, quantization, and spin:
1. What is the sub-structure of the electron? 2. What is the origin of its monopole charge? 3. What are the precise components of electron quantum spin? 4. What is the topological difference between a spin-up electron and a spin-down electron? 5. By what mechanism do electrons pair so eagerly despite having like charges? 6. What physics causes electrons to pair with opposite spins by ‘Pauli Exclude’ with like spins? 7. What is the physics of Hund’s 2nd Rule favoring like-spin electron resonances in orbitals? 8. What might the mechanism of matter-antimatter annihilation be? 9. What mathematics encompasses this ‘Sub-Quantum Mechanics’?

Building upon the foundation of John Williamson’s Sub-Quantum Mechanics and Absolute Relativity Theory, this talk delves into the concept of quantum spin, identifying the 3 specific components of the electron’s internal spin. These components are then leveraged in order to clarify the topological difference between ‘spin-up’ and ‘spin-down’ electrons, the physical spin-mediated mechanisms underlying electron bonding, the Pauli Exclusion ‘Principle’ and Hund’s 2nd Rule, as well as deriving the magnetic field from the spin tri-vector potential. We also probe the physical, spin-mediated mechanism involved in matter-antimatter annihilation.

This talk was given to The Quantum Bicycle Society on 2/4/23

QV0111: John G. Williamson: Absolute Relativity Theory — A Proposed Solution To Hilbert’s 6th — QA&D

This is the Q&A and Discussion following John G. Williamson presentation on a fully relativistic, sub-quantum mechanical theory — Absolute Relativity Theory. It allows for a deeper and more fundamental understanding of matter, energy, charge, quantization, and their fully relativistic interactions. The quaternion-like Clifford-Dirac algebra underpinning this theory describes a construct which, it is claimed, offers a solution to Hilbert’s 6th Problem — defining a coherent construct that encompasses all known physical process, and thereby, describes reality more accurately.
This talk was given to the “Models Of Particles” Group, moderated by Jarek Duda, on 1/14/2023.

QV0110: John G. Williamson: Absolute Relativity Theory — A Proposed Solution To Hilbert’s 6th

John G. Williamson explains a fully relativistic, sub-quantum mechanical theory — Absolute Relativity Theory. It allows for a deeper and more fundamental understanding of matter, energy, charge, quantization, and their fully relativistic interactions. The quaternion-like Clifford-Dirac algebra underpinning this theory describes a construct which, it is claimed, offers a solution to Hilbert’s 6th Problem — defining a coherent construct that encompasses all known physical process, and thereby, describes reality more accurately.

This talk was given to the “Models Of Particles” Group, moderated by Jarek Duda, on 1/14/2023.

QV0109: Dr. John G. Williamson: Real Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

A new relativistic quantum mechanics has been developed that extends the realm of applicability of both Maxwell electromagnetism and relativistic quantum mechanics. The quantum world should be at least “complex”, as opposed to merely “real”. A proper basis of non-commutative relativistic space-time, the Space Time Algebra, championed by David Hestenes, contains both the complex algebra and the quaternion algebra as sub-algebras. Identifying two symmetric non-commuting 4-spaces within this, space-time and inverse space-time, allows an understanding of the nature of inter-action, as described by our recent paper (van der Mark, M.B.;. Williamson, J.G. Relativistic Inversion,. Invariance and Inter-Action. Symmetry June 2021, 13, 1117). From these basis spaces can be derived a further 4 dynamical degrees of freedom, describing current, electric field, magnetic field and quantum spin respectively. These, together, describe the real 3-D space of experiment and experience. With the exception of quantum spin-space, these spaces are very familiar to any physicists, as current, electric field and magnetic field. In particular crystal structure is largely defined by relationships in electric field space, a space with three and only three components. Thinking in spin-space (and the related magnetic field space), however, leads to new insights in physics, chemistry and collective phenomena in the solid state. These will be explored briefly with reference to relativistic wave-functions for light and matter and with examples in atomic and molecular chemistry, the fractional quantum hall fluid, and (high temperature) superconductivity.

This talk was presented to The Fanaaten, 09/09/21.

QC0107: Dr. Vivian Robinson: The Physics of Einstein’s Gravity, QA&D

The QA&D following Dr Vivian Robinson’s presentation on the physics behind Einstein’s view of gravity and singularities, how the Schwarzschild metric differs from the Newtonian and red shift metrics, and whether black holes are possible according to Einstein’s view.
Recorded: GMT20201031-180606

Buy the book:
HOW TO BUILD A UNIVERSE: Beyond The Standard Models by Vivian NE Robinson